Delivery? Yes, It's Important Too!

Delivery? Yes, It's Important Too!
23/11/29, 22:00
Let's talk about delivery! No not Uber Eats, we're talking ad delivery!
Now how you deliver a message to your customer may seem like a boring concept to chat about, but it's really exciting because it's the secret-not-secret final step that we all need to be considering in today's media landscape. For example, among Black Friday campaigns, Thanksgiving, and the looming Christmas marketing monster; how on earth are some little ads for The Investec SA Open supposed to stand out? Well what you need to do is show the ads to people who want to see ads about the Investec SA Open. It's obvious right?
Seemingly so, yet since the dawn of advertising when Australopithecus put a stick in the ground outside their cave to indicate this is where their cave is, we've been advertising using a shotgun approach. But now things are different. 'For the first time ever' is a phrase that's maybe too often thrown around, but in this case it's true. For the first time ever, we're able to advertise to exactly who we want, when we want.
So for the Investec SA Open, we used the extensive information resources availed to us by Octagon and the Sunshine Tour to create the perfect profiles of people who would be interested in going to the Investec SA Open. And that is where we started, yeap, before we had scripts for our videos we knew exactly who was going to watch them.
So we inserted the finished videos into our DSP decked out with some powerful data and we hit the play button. So, with a very limited media spend, we've had 1.4 million impressions and over 20k clicks direct to a ticketing page - and the number is still growing.
The takeaway? In today's world, how we show people our work is just as important as the work itself.